workout routine for women

Top 3 Workout Mistakes Health-Conscious Women Make & How to Fix

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Working out comes quite naturally for most of my clients. It is their time to re-centre and release the stress of the day. However, despite their best intentions & being disciplined in their fitness routine, there are 3 Workout Mistakes Women Make that are are hindering progress. This sometimes leads my clients to feel like they need to over-exercise in order to see the results they are looking for.  From my personal experience (and 90% of my clients) I bring you the top 3 workout mistakes health-conscious women make and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Doing Too Many Different Exercises in One Session


One of the 3 Workout Mistakes Women Make is doing too many different exercises in one session. Why do we do this? Likely due to old school Personal Training or even worse No Personal Training. Why i say old school Personal Training is because new science tells us that the Body & Brain only have a certain capacity for output. As I said in this instagram post, working up a sweat (or if you don’t sweat exercising a lot) in 1 session does NOT equate to the best workout. Doing too much is actually very counterproductive. There is no focused strength-building, just a free for all while you burn through your energy. I have made these amateur mistakes as well.


The Fix:

Instead of cramming too many exercises into one workout, pick 4, 5, maximum 6 exercises that target the muscles you want to work on. Do the first set as a warm-up, without any load and then improve your technique and then intensity in each set.


Mistake #2: Not Taking Time Between Sets to Recover Properly


Another common mistake women make is not taking enough time to breathe between sets & recover properly. This is again, a conduit of the Fitness Industry only teaching us that keeping our heart rate high burns more calories. Duh, but this is very general. It doesn’t consider adrenal health for women and it also doesn’t consider injuries & bad form. You simply cannot have pristine form when exercising like someones chasing you to death! This cues a tight neck and short breathing.


The Fix:

Pay attention to your breath between sets & do not start your next exercise until you are more recovered. You will build strength this way and keep your Nervous System out of Fight or Flight. o allow your body to recover. You can use this time to stretch, & review your technique. Like a BAD-@$$ B*TC%. Stay focused.


Mistake #3: Avoiding Body Weighted Exercises


Many women avoid body weighted exercises because they feel that they don’t provide enough of a challenge however the TRUTH is they are MORE challenging. In addition they work almost every muscle fibre.


The Fix:

Incorporate or better yet, have a week or 2 in your training program where you ONLY do body weighted exercises. Make it a priority to find a set of 6-8 body weighted exercises and focus on those. My top reco’s are Squats. The biggest tip with squats is mobilizing your hips to achieve good range of motion. Hip Mobility, Revised squat technique, and Body-weighted Exercises are examples of what i teach in my Optimal Health Membership platform


In closing, as health-conscious women we must try to avoid these 3 Workout Routine Mistakes Women Make and adjustment in how we are training in this season of life. Your time & energy is precious. Following these 3 fixes will result in a more effective workout routine and results will SHOW. If you are ever in need of guidance or coaching


I have a low entry offer that works with people for 3 sessions to set you up on a personalized routine that you have clarity & confidence in. You can view more info here. PS the request more info process is quick & automated. I am simply doing market research 😉


Also, I am hosting a 4-week Group Coaching Program for Women, call Optimize. It starts May 23 2023! Click for more info and join us!



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Asma Kassam, BHK, CSNA, CFST

Former Fitness & Mobility Coach, Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor, Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist, turned Women’s Health & Fitness advocate & coach

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