About Asma
Asma comes from a heavy fitness background. She completed her Human Kinetics/Sport science/Kinesiology degree in 2008, and started a Personal Training and Active Rehab practice with a modest size team of Kinesiologists shortly after. 4 years ago she completed her schooling to be a Fascial Stretch Therapist. She has found Fascial work and knowledge of the Fascial system, in combination to her extensive experience in injury rehabilitation to be transformational for her clients. Asma is also an avid Women's Health advocate and knows it is her soul's mission to help particularly women find alignment in their Health and Fitness utilizing principles that aren’t taught in mainstream fitness. Asma enjoys body-weight exercises, breathwork, paddle boarding, learning, and laughing with friends.
Asma's Story
Having started in sports & Fitness at a young age, Asma has experienced a variety of road blocks. In her mid-20’s she encountered Female Athlete Triad Syndrome, Osteopenia, and Adrenal Fatigue. Asma attributes this to her Type A, driven personality, using exercise as a therapy and stress management tool.
10 years ago she experienced a femur breakage while running the Lululemon Seawheeze half marathon. Being a near fatal injury, Asma took it upon herself to uncover all the mysteries behind why this happened, what factors contributed, and how to heal fully from the inside out. The healing journey led her to evolve her Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Femur Fracture: August 11th 2012 11:15am

Femur Repair: Intramedullary Nailing August 12th 2012 12:30am

Broken Femur Jumping Rehabilitation
Being determined to follow her passion, Asma took the year off to recover, and re-started her fitness business with a focus on Mobility, Fascial health, Stretching, joint work, Breathwork, and important lifestyle factors to bring her clients bodies into alignment.
Having experienced bulged discs, neck strains, patella chondamalacia and other knee pain, hip pain, shoulder impingements, postural challenges, TMJ, and much more, Asma provides her clients with a full perspective healing routine.
Asma’s other passion is helping women 35-45 find their flow with fitness so they can workout smarter and achieve the physique and mental clarity they are yearning for.