I was chatting with a lovely client yesterday, and we got talking about digestion. I must have been going on my Apple Cider Vinegar rant, and then she asked if there are any foods I highly recommend. That got me thinking. Prior to this year 75% of my conversations and blog posts and interest were in nutrition and the affect it has on our insides and our outsides. I still 100% believe that, but I no longer hand out nutrition schedules to people as I believe sound nutrition is different for everyone. It is about listening and really tuning in to your body, what food react negatively, what foods react well and what foods are eaten for a certain purpose. i.e. I will eat apples a couple times a week, more so because they help with my digestion… I don’t particularly love apples though. Plus the knowledge of how the fibrous bits in foods like apples, chia seeds, and vegetables helps me rationalize eating them. It’s like a colon cleanse! And as most of you may know the gut is our second brain, so if it is all clogged up and has toxic build up, our mind and mood will directly be affected.
Anyhow I LOVE talking nutrition so I stopped charging for it, but nowadays most of my conversations are centered around movement and mobility and how to get re-energized as we age .
My belief is the more hours you are sedentary for, the more your energy levels drop and the less energy you put out, the less energy you will receive.
I know it all sounds hokey pokey, but in the 10+ year of working with people, I get to see people go through valleys and mountains, and let me tell you, the mountains ALWAYS coincide with their movement and mobility!
Mobility, well because when people are injured or have aches and pains, it naturally dampens our mood/energy/exercise motivation which spirals into other negative behavioural tendencies. Until you snap out of it, and you’ll most likely have to continuously snap yourself out of it and snap yourself into inviting positive thoughts in, forgiving yourself for any undesirable acts, and taking actionable steps on how you will step out of the rut.
For our clients, their actionable step is coming in for their Personal Training sessions or their FST sessions. Realizing that, we take on the responsibility that whatever this person’s health goals are, lets get clear on them and let’s move them toward that goal! This is why I love our small team. We pride ourselves only when our clients are successful. Our success actually lies in your success. So…
…we’ll go the mile to get an inch.
This is a good phrase to also describe your mobility. It takes time for your body to rediscover ranges of motion that have been lost for years. Our goal is helping you achieve that through movement and stretch.
I’ll leave you with that for now.
If you’re thinking your body has some new found energy to rediscover, shoot us an email info@activekinetix.com and we’d be happy to get you in.
XMAS FST Gift CARDS are back this year to gift to yourself or to someone else
Check out our latest stretch video – Stretches for Knee Pain
Whatever your actionable step is, take action asap.
Always here to help,
AK Team
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